Christmas in Moominvalley – 1973 Swedish broadcast

Christmas in Moominvalley special

In 1973, the Swedish television broadcast “Christmas in Moominvalley” as their 24-part Christmas special. It was based on the stories by Tove and Lars Jansson, and it was directed by Pi Lind and Ingegerd Lönnroth.

The series was made by mimes in Moomin suits and the voices were added later. The series was well received and it was accompanied by a calendar with a Moominvalley background and character stickers that you could place on the calendar above.

These haven’t been seen since 1973 but was released on DVD in 2005. Below are the 24 episodes. Enjoy!


  1. Det ensamma mumintrollet (The Lonely Moomintroll)
  2. Det förtrollade badhuset (The Enchanted Bathhouse)
  3. Lilla My åker kana (Littly My Slides Slopes)
  4. Den stora kölden (The Great Cold)
  5. Isfrun kommer (The Lady of the Cold Arrives)
  6. Den stora brasan (The Great Fire)
  7. Möte med en förfader (Meeting with an Ancestor)
  8. Knytt och hemuler (Toffles and Hemulens)
  9. Vad ska vi göra med hemulen? (What Shall We Do With the Hemulen?)
  10. Snöstorm (Snowstorm)
  11. På väg tillsammans (On Our Way Together)
  12. Den första våren (The First Spring)
  13. Muminmamman (Moominmamma)
  14. Förfäder och sonsöner (Ancestors and Grandsons)
  15. Vårvisan (The Spring Tune)
  16. Förfadern försvinner (The Ancestor Disappears)
  17. Sommar i mumindalen (Summer in Moominvalley)
  18. På en obebodd ö (On a Deserted Island)
  19. Åska (Thunder)
  20. En vacker dam flyter iland (A Beautiful Lady Floats Ashore)
  21. Det osynliga barnet (The Invisible Child)
  22. Att våga bli arg (To Dare Being Angry)
  23. Det farliga kommer (The Dangerous Comes)
  24. Julafton (Christmas Eve)