Tove Jansson Sähkö wall paintings at Helsinki Art Museum

In 2017, a very important new Tove Jansson artwork was added to HAM’s permanent collection: Tove Jansson Sähkö wall paintings.

Helsinki Art Museum, HAM, has presented the life of Tove Jansson in a permanent exhibition from January 2016 onwards. Some of Jansson’s most central works, the frescoes Party in the City and Party in the Countryside have taken center stage in the exhibition, but new large wall paintings are being added.

On January 27, 2017, the gallery will renew and present more of Tove Jansson’s monumental works, such as the large wall paintings Tove Jansson painted for the canteen at the Strömberg factory at Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki, in 1945.

During the exhibition, it is also possible to follow the conservation process of the wall painting Sähkö (Electricity), which was sponsored by Moomin Characters.


Tekijä Jansson Tove Teos Strömbergin Pitäjänmäen tehtaan ruokalan seinämaalaukset Inv.nro 1956/135/1, osa2 Pääluokka maalaus Karttuva kokoelma
Tove Jansson: Sähkö, 1945.
Wall painting for the canteen at the Strömberg factory at Pitäjänmäki, Helsinki.
© HAM / Photo: Hanna Kukorelli