Gardening with Moomins – Moomin by Plantui Growth Story

With Plantui Moomin Garden 3 you can easily and successfully grow tasty, healthy & fresh greens without soil! Moomin Plantui is made out of high-quality metal hat and ceramic bowl and decorated of course with lovely Moomin design.

We just got our own Moomin Plantui device and started to learn gardening. On this page you can follow the growth story of our greens. First we are growing Bok Choy!

DAY 1 – Planting :

We placed three Plantui Plant Capsules into the device and now we wait – the Moomin Garden takes care of the growing. The device with its intelligent light system and automatic watering pump helps us to grow fresh, tasty and pure greens from seeds to full grown plants.

Plantui Day 1_2
Growing Bok Choy

Plantui Day 1

And now we wait…

DAY 5 – First leaves: 

Now we can see the first leaves! Yay!

Plantui Day 5

DAY 10 – Miracle of growth:

Our Bok Choy is growing taller!

Plantui Day 10

DAY 12 – Lights: 

To be honest – last week we forgot to adjust the lights and the pump to the second growth phase… Whoops. But we hope our Bok Choy won’t mind about it! Let’s wait and see!

Plantui Day 12_2

Plantui Day 12_1


Grow your own Moomin garden – use the discount code MoominPlantui to get 15 % discount on your Plantui Moomin Garden. Valid until June 1st.